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Uzoho’s Team Tips Naiset narrowly lost FA Cup final to Aland United in Finland.

By Clarkson Ogo
Nigeria born Finland Coach Victor Uzoho has helped TiPS Naiset to win silver in the finals of the Finnish Women Cup in his debut season with the league champion favorite.
TiPS Naiset narrowly lost 2-1 to Aland in the finals to drop out to be the 2020 Finland Woman Cup Champions.
“It was an exciting game but our opponent won the game”.
“We are contesting the league leadership with them and we hope to win it”.
Both team are know to be strong rival in all competition following their stand in league table with TIPS trailing Aland with three points after fourteen games to accumulated 31 points behind table leaders Aland who have played one game more to gather 34 points.