With Covid19, Nigerian Football Clubs also shut down facing with fans Virtually!

With Covid19, Nigerian Football Clubs also shut down facing with fans Virtually!

As authorities and the World Health Organisation attempt to reduce the spread of the virus, normal life including sport is on hold.

An outbreak of a deadly coronavirus in the city of Wuhan in late 2019 placed large parts of China on lockdown and the rest of the world on high priority lock down till date.

As part of the measure in Nigeria as the rest of the world has rightly done, the Nigeriaa sport federations and of course all sporting events had been out on hold so as to curb the spreading of the virus.

It’s to my amazment seeing our clubs also shutting down during this period with no strategic plans for the club and fans to engage with.


Moreover, what happens to the questions the fans would Intend asking during this lock down, bringing back the old memories of the club, doing charity by giving out relieve materials to the vulnerable, hospitals.

Greatly,it won’t be a bad idea appreciating the health workers at this trying time for their work and importance.

This is the time to make an impact in your immediate environment/community and grow your fan base by doing the right thing to fight COVID19 in your community.

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