The Congress of the Nigeria Union of Journalists, NUJ Oyo state council, has passed a resolution that any of its members found attending programmes of the  defunct Niyi Alebiosu led SWAN Executives should be sanctioned in line with the NUJ Constitution.

This was part of decisions in a communique issued at the end of its monthly congress held at Dapo Aderogba Hall, NUJ Press Center, Iyaganku, Ibadan.

According to the NUJ members, this became imperative as some members of the Union who were part of the congresses that condemned the activities of the illegal SWAN executives continued to attend programmes and meetings being organised by the dissolved Niyi Alebiosu leadership of the Association .

The members were unanimous in their decisions that henceforth, any member of NUJ that participate in any of the illegal events by the defunct SWAN executives be sanctioned in accordance with SWAN statutes and NUJ Constitution.

It would be recalled that the impersonator and his executive members had last year detached themselves from the National body of SWAN, which resulted in setting up of a caretaker committee by the national body in October.

The caretaker committee later conducted an election on February 28, 2019, which brought in a substantive executive led by Olaolu Fawole of Radio Nigeria.


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